Competition Rules effective for the February 2021 competition only. This competition will be for digital images only.
- WNCCC will have 1 competition each year, to be held in February.
- Members in good standing may submit up to 4 images per division.
- Members may NOT enter the same image in multiple divisions during the same competition.
- Once an image has won an award in our club competition, it may NOT be entered again in any future club competitions. It may be entered in other competitions like WACCO, PSA, or competitions held by other clubs.
- If a member wins an award in one division, he or she may NOT win another award in that division for that competition.
- Each digital image should be a maximum of 1920 x 1080 pixels, JPEG format, with a max file size of 1.4mb.
- Digital images should be uploaded to the PollUnit site no later than midnight, Saturday, February 20. To access the PollUnit site, go to the Members Only Page of our website and click on the button for the division you wish to enter. Be sure you submit your images to the proper division. If you have submitted an image and you wish to remove it and submit another one in its place, you may do so up until the submission deadline.
- Each digital image file for each division should be named per the following example:
Digital Nature (Color), Open (Color) and Open (Monochrome/Black & White) (3)
- Nature/Color Digital: Wildflowers, birds, animals, insects, landscapes, etc. Any evidence of the “hand of man” in any Nature digital image (roads, domestic animals, cultivated flowers, buildings, people, etc.) will disqualify the image. Bands and tags on birds and animals are acceptable. Fences, birdhouses, feeders, and saw-cut logs are acceptable if they are not prominent in the image.
- Open/Digital Color: No restrictions for this division
- Open/Digital Monochrome/Black & White: No restrictions for this division.
There will be 3 judges for each division. Each judge will enter a score between 0 and 5, 0 being a disqualifying mark due to category and 5 being the best. The 3 judges’ scores will be added together, giving each image a score of between 0 and 15.
If possible, we will get 1 or 2 external judges for each competition. We will then add 1 or 2 of our club members who have not entered the competition, so that we will have the 3 judges we need for each competition.
Judging will be done online on the PollUnit site.
Judges will be available at our March meeting to answer questions and comment on the entries.
For each competition, there will be ribbons awarded. There will be a First, Second, and Third place award for each division.